The J. Sterling Hughes Show
All about the practice of Family Law - insights, interviews, news, developments, real life case studies. My mission is to Empower Family Law Attorneys.
I share how we have grown our family law firm, SterlingLawyers.com, from zero to 25+ lawyers and $15m a year in revenue since 2014.
The purpose is to document what's working and not working so you can re-contextualize for your practice and shorten your success curve.
We are so open about what we are doing because we want to help other lawyers build a beautiful law firm, even if you "compete" with us.
So, follow me and subscribe to "The J. Sterling Hughes Show" Podcast.
My YouTube channel is @JSterlingHughes
Go to www.JSterlingHughes.com for a ton of family law practice resources and info.
The J. Sterling Hughes Show
Staying Focused On One Marketing Tactic at a Time - #108
There are limitless marketing tactics available to a family law firm. It can be overwhelming.
One of Sterling Lawyers' most successful marketing strategies has been to focus on one tactic at a time.
In this show, I articulate why to focus on one tactic:
1 - Allows enough time to yield results
2 - Avoids switching costs
3 - Enables achieving mastery
4 - Builds momentum
And how to do this:
1 - Identify your best tactic
2 - Get clear on your target audience
3 - Refine your message through testing
4 - Be data-driven
Do these things and win!
Go to: www.JSterlingHughes.com for tons of Family Law Practice resources.
My purpose is to Empower Family Law Attorneys so they can build a beautiful family law practice and have the practice of their dreams.
I share my family law firm’s secrets, tactics, and strategies of how we have grown from 0 to 25 attorneys and over $15m in revenue in our first ten years.
When I am not podcasting, I am the CEO and Co-Founder of SterlingLawyers.com.
Follow me on: LinkedIn - YouTube - X - Instagram - TikTok